New Show & Chance the Rapper - Cafe Urbano - 4176 N. Elston Ave. - August - September 2016

  • Cafe Urbano was always a hustle and bustling place. A meeting place for job seekers to meet their new employers. A meeting place for friends. A meeting place for lovers and pet lovers alike. The open atmosphere created a warm and welcoming environment for folks to find a minute away from home to gather their thoughts or just relax for a minute over some Tea and a light snack. 

  • When I came back to the city, I had to hustle myself and gather all of my lost art. While searching the city for my lost artifacts. I was given the opportunity to show here again, exactly 1 year from the last show. I am trying to sell everything I can so that I can begin a new line of art this fall. So everything is going from 50 dollars on up.... whatever it's worth to you is good to me. G told me that Chance the Rapper might be coming in to do a video shoot during my show. That would be cool.

  • “I love pretty much everything about it, from the metropolis coffee and espresso they brew to the truly awesome burrito panini and delicious side salad.” - Julie S.

    “They want to support local artists and host events to bring the community together.”  - Karlee Q.

  • #selenasantos from the #stevewilkos show co producer on Jerry Springer for 10 years bought a flag !

  • “This is a welcome addition to my hood which lacks hip breakfast places with good food.” -Sam P.
