June 12th at Rib Fest 2015 (Damen, Lincoln and Irving Park 6 Corners) - Live Performance

I got to do live performance for the first time, so this is how it turned out... I hope you enjoyed the show, anybody who was there !!!

6:15 PM

7 PM

7:45 PM


This was the 3rd live painting of the night, SOLD !

 These are the pieces that I painted live....
first painting

second painting

(third painting SOLD)

fourth painting

fifth and last painting of the event !

After being selected and featured in 2014 on Food Network's "Eating America, with Anthony Anderson" and televised to 100 million households and 150 countries, Ribfest Chicago returns with more smokin' music and barbecue as they cook up Chicago's favorite food and music festival. Ribfest Chicago celebrates its seventeenth summer this year@

I was asked by Echoes of Chicago to be a performer in this year's event. So I was on Belle Plaine from 5 - 10pm on June 12th doing one painting every 45 minutes. I also had a vendor table with a few original pieces on the low low.... and T-Shirts !

These shirts are still available for $20 (M, L, XL)

These T-shirt designs are for sale but are limited, only $20
